Friday, November 17, 2017

Green Screen to At&t Stadium

This project is called the green screen assignment, where I had the choice of picking a place or thing that I wanted to either go or be.  so I chose to take a picture of a place I'd like to visit, I chose At&t Stadium which is home to the Dallas Cowboys. I chose this scenery because one day I hope to visit the stadium to see the Cowboys play because they are my favorite team.

so the first thing I did was find a picture of the stadium then I imported it to adobe premier pro( go to file import and select the image).

After adding the picture to the adobe program I selected it and dragged it to the V1 panel on the screen. So now that I had a background it was time for me to take my picture. I went into the green screen room and posed with my arms stretched wide.
 Next I imported the picture into adobe premier pro and scaled it down to the size I wanted so it would appear as if I were on the field. Using the ultra key tool and playing with the matte generation tool allowed me to remove the green screen and blend the background into the stadium background. Once I got it to look as though I was standing on the field , I added text using the title tool. my title reads " Respect The Star."

Friday, November 3, 2017

Prezi the next level power point

Prezi is a presentation software that allows for a more interactive experience in comparison to power point. Prezi was created in Hungary and was launched in April of 2009. The founders of prezi are Adam Somlia-fischér, Peter Halacys , and Peter Arvai. Peter Arvai is the CEO;he is a Swedish business man with Hungarian parentage. The headquarters for prezi is located in San Francisco, California.